You have reached Tarratt.NET
Here you'll find a bunch of experiments, homesteading aids, and a few family organizational tools.
Or you won't because very little of it is currently public-facing.
Pinnebog utility power is up. Current line voltage is 112.3 volts. Battery charge 100.0%.
Cynthia utility power is up. Current line voltage is 120.0 volts. Battery charge 100.0%.
Chicken coop solar array state unknown.
Chicken coop door state is currently unknown
We are experiencing a temperature of 20°F / -7°C with a relative humidity of 71.88%. Air pressure is 1016.11 MB. It is not raining with 0.0 mm accumulation. Average wind speed 7 mph from 205.0°(SSW), gusting to 10 mph.